
167 Perry St

Something funny happened with this shoot. For some reason, I thought the client was contacting us to help sell her unit. When I arrived, it was beautifully staged - suspiciously so - beyond most staged real estate I had seen. That’s because the client was a designer and she wasn’t selling anything, she just wanted to showcase her work. Luckily I had my not-so-wide lens with me and we were able to pull the shoot off without a problem. It’s interesting how most times the different between a real estate shoot and interior design shoot is about 8mm.

401 East 74th St

Some photographers think a cloudy day yields better light than a sunny. It’s true that sunny light can be a little difficult to contain but if you can harness it well, the results can be spectacular. This shoot occurred on a pretty dreary day but the light did yield some beautifully soft light that gave some of the objects a rich, buttery feel to them.

10 Madison Square West

Window views are often an element of editing I have oscillating opinions about. With real estate photography, the clients are always concerned about the views, but for interior designers it’s not such a concern - after all, the photos are taken to show off what’s inside the home. But when you have a home with gorgeous, sweeping views of the city, how can you not want to show them off? After all, isn’t it a testament of the designer’s prestige to be able to work in a space that is so high up, and probably comes with a higher price tag because of it? Hypothetical questions aside, this gorgeous home, designed by JL Powers Design, had some stunning views but we didn’t let them overtake the shots - but we were able to let them coexist with some curtain cover.

American Copper Building

I had the pleasure (and luck) of shooting the new American Copper building in Kips Bay. The building is a monumental achievement or architectural feats, and is comprised of two towers that are connected via a skybridge. I've always been fond of the antiquated and unfortunately defunct sky bridges that can be seen in Herald Square and Dumbo and it's so exciting to, not only see an active one, but one so ornately decorated and fitted for recreational use. Not only can you walk between the buildings but you can take a seat and watch the sun rise over the East River or even play a game of billiards!  
